- A-roll
- A.P
- A.S.A.P
- Abrasive
- Absolute Altitude
- Abutment
- AC
- Access panel
- Ace
- Acetone
- Acidity
- Action
- Adaptor
- Adjustment
- Aerator
- Aiguillette
- Aillettes
- Air
- Air Chambers
- Air pocket
- Airbrushing
- Airfoil
- Al Fresco
- All day
- All-mountain
- Alpine skiing
- Alternative air source
- Altimeter
- Ambient light
- Ambient pressure
- Ambient Sound
- American Service
- Americano
- Amigurumi
- Ammeter
- Amps
- Anelace
- Angle
- Angle stop
- Angler
- Ankle tap
- Anode rod
- Anoxia
- Anticon Blanket
- Apéritif
- Apex
- Appetizer
- Appliqué
- Approach
- Approach Shot
- Après ski
- Apron
- Arabica
- Architect's Rule
- Armet à rondel
- Arming nail
- Armour
- Arrow markers
- Articulation
- Artificial Snow
- Artificials
- Ascent rate
- Aspect ratio
- Assembly
- ATP (Around The Post)
- Attack
- Attitude
- Auger
- Automatic
- Automatic compensating valve
- Avalanche
- Axel
- B-roll
- B&B Plate
- B&E
- Back bend
- Back Gutter
- Back of house
- Back Pressure
- Back Saw
- Back-cast
- Backcountry skiing
- Backcourt
- Backflow
- Backflow prevention device
- Backhand
- Backline
- Backplate
- Backs
- Backspin
- Backstroke
- Backswing
- Backwater
- Bail Arm
- Bailed Out
- Bait
- Baking
- Balaclava
- Balance
- Balance wheel
- Ballcock
- Banger
- Bar Clamp
- Barb
- Barding
- Barge Board
- Barge Capping
- Barista
- Barleycorn
- Barotrauma
- Barrette
- Base
- Base layers
- Baselard
- Baseplate
- Basic
- Basic Mesh
- Basket
- Basswood
- Batten
- Battering Ram
- Battleaxe
- BB Cream
- Beat
- Beauty Blender
- Bec de Corbin
- Beer Run
- Beginning Block
- Bends
- Bent shaft paddle
- Berm
- Bernoulli's Law
- Bert
- Bet
- Bev nap
- Bezel
- Biellmann
- Bill
- Bimini
- Bird men
- Biscuit
- Bistro
- Bit rate
- Biter
- Black Eye
- Black polish
- Black run
- Blackout
- Blade
- Blade bait
- Blank
- Blank End
- Blanket Stitch
- Blanking an End
- Bleed
- Blend
- Blind cast
- Blind traverse
- Blocking
- Blood bin
- Blotting Paper
- Blow torch
- Blowbag
- Blowfish
- Blue holes
- Blue run
- Blush
- Bobbin
- Body
- Bombard
- Bombing
- Bondout
- Bonspiel
- Booking
- Booties
- Bop
- Bottom fishing
- Bottom time
- Boujee
- Bounce it
- Bourdonasse
- Bow
- Bow draw
- Bow lines
- Bowl
- Box
- Box kick
- Bracelet
- Brackish
- Braid
- Braille dive
- Brain bucket
- Brass
- Breakdown
- Breaking
- Brew
- Bridge
- Broad Sword
- Bronzer
- Brownout
- Brush
- Bubble dancer
- Bucketmouth
- Building Drain
- Bulkhead
- Bump It
- Bumper
- Bumper Weight
- Bunny hop
- Bunny slope
- Buoyancy
- Burned
- Burned Stone
- Burnt-in Caption
- Bushing
- Busser
- Busted
- Butterfly jump
- Button
- Button lift
- Bycatch
- C-Card
- C.C.W
- Calcium carbonate
- Calcium magnesium
- Caliber
- Call a dive
- Camel spin
- Camper
- Cancelled
- Cantilever
- Cap
- Capacitance
- Cappuccino
- Carabiner
- Carry
- Cartography
- Carving
- Carving Ski
- Case
- Case back
- Cashspiel
- Casting spoon
- Casual Dining
- Cat Skiing
- Catch an edge
- Catch these hands
- Catch-and-release
- CC Cream
- Center
- Centered
- Centerline
- Chaff
- Chains
- Champion shot
- Change-Foot Spin
- Channels
- Charge
- Chatter
- Check
- Check Valve
- Chef de partie
- Chef's Table
- Cheugy
- Chip
- Chip-and-Roll
- Choctaw
- Chop
- Choreography
- Chroma key
- Chronograph
- Chumming/chum
- Chunking/chunk
- Chute
- Cinquedea
- Circuit
- Circular grain finish
- Cirque
- Cladding
- Class I Rapid
- Class II Rapid
- Clay bank
- Claymore
- Clean plate
- Cleanout
- Clearance
- Climb
- Clip
- Clonker
- Close up
- Close-grained
- Closed Coat
- Closed system
- Closet Bend
- Clusters
- Coarse-grained
- Cockpit
- Cocktail
- Codec
- Cold Brew
- Cold Roof
- Color correcting
- Color correction
- Color Grading
- Color temperature
- Column
- Combination
- Combination Spin
- Command signal
- Commis
- Common
- Comp
- Comp Off
- Complication
- Compositing
- Compression
- Concealer
- Conductor
- Conform
- Container
- Contour
- Contraband
- Controlled airspace
- Conversion
- Copper
- Coral Caves
- Corduroy
- Cork
- Corkage
- Corn Snow
- Cornice
- Corrosive Water
- Cortado
- Costume
- Countdown Leader
- Counter
- Counter Turn
- Course
- Cover
- Crack off
- Crash ball
- Crawl
- Creel limit
- Crochet Hacking
- Crocodile Stitch
- Cross country skiing
- Cross cut toe pick
- Cross-court
- Cross-court dink
- Crossbar
- Crosscut
- Crossovers
- Crosswind
- Crown
- Crowning
- Crumbing
- Crystal
- Cuisses
- Culverin
- Curl
- Curly
- Current
- Cut
- Cut Crease
- Cut to clock
- Cut-in
- Cutoff
- Cycle Time
- Cyclops lens
- Dampening
- Dance Lift
- Dangerous play
- Danish Oil
- Dank
- Dap
- Dark roast
- Day Ticket
- Dead Ball
- Dead End
- Dead Handle
- Dead plate
- Dead-stick
- Death Cookies
- Death spiral
- Deceiver
- Decentralized second
- Deck
- Decompression
- Decompression Stop
- Decrease
- Deduction
- Delivery
- Denatured Alcohol
- Deployant Clasp
- Depth of Field
- Descent
- Dewy
- Dial
- Diffusion
- Dillball
- Dimensional Lumber
- DIN Setting
- Ding
- Dink shot
- Direct Current
- Direct tap
- Direct Trade
- Dirk
- Disgorger
- Dissolve
- Distress
- Distribution Lines
- Dive Light
- Dive profile
- Diverter
- Dix
- Dolly
- Dormer
- Double bounce
- Double hit
- Double Treble
- Dovetail
- Dowel
- Down Pipe
- Down the line
- Downstream
- Downstream V
- Drag
- Drain
- Drape
- Draw Weight
- Drip
- Drip Coffee
- Drip edge
- Drive
- Drop
- Drop kick
- Drop shot
- Drop Spin
- Drop Stitch
- Dry bag
- Dry Process
- Dry top
- Dual flush
- Dummy
- Dump
- Dump tackle
- Dupe
- Dupe (alt: chit)
- Dutch roll
- Dye tracing
- Dying on the pass
- Dynamic Pressure
- Eave
- Ebb Tide
- Eddy
- Edge
- Edge call
- Edge control
- Edge jump
- Editorial
- Effluent
- Eight-Ender
- Eightman
- Ejection
- Elbow
- Element
- Elevation
- End
- Ending Block
- Ending Mesh
- English Service
- Engraving
- Entrées
- Epoxy
- Equalize
- Erne
- Eskimo roll
- Espresso
- Even Court
- Executive chef
- Expeditor / expo
- Export
- External edit
- Extraction
- Eyeliner
- Eyeshadow
- Face
- Face plant
- Fade
- Fair Trade
- Fakie
- Falafel
- Falchion
- Fall
- Fall Line
- Fall Out
- Falsies
- Fam
- Farmer John/Jane
- Fascia
- Fasten Off
- Fasteners
- Fault
- Feather
- Feathering
- Feed pump
- Feed Rate
- Felting
- Ferrule
- FF&E
- Field goal
- Fife
- Figure
- Figure skates
- Filter Coffee
- Final Approach
- Finesse
- Finial
- Finish
- Finna
- fins
- Fire (alt: drop)
- Fire Rating
- First Crack
- First Officer
- First serve
- First tracks
- Fitting
- Five by Five
- Fixture
- Flabjack
- Flail
- Flake
- Flamberge
- Flanker
- Flapper
- Flashback
- Flashing
- Flat Face
- Flat Light
- Flight Plan
- Flint
- Flip
- Float Ball
- Float/bobber
- Floor Drain
- Flow Control Valve
- Flow Rate
- Fluffy Stitch
- Flush valve
- Flutter kicks
- Flutz
- Fly half
- Flyback function
- Flying Spin
- Focal-Stop (F-Stop)
- Folding clasp
- Foley
- Font of house
- Food cost
- Foot braces
- Foot Fault
- Footage
- Footfall
- Forehand
- Forward Spin
- Forward stroke
- Forwards
- Foundation
- Frame rate
- Framing
- Francisca
- Frankenbiting
- Frappe/frappuccino
- Free skate
- Freeride
- Freestyle
- Freestyle ES
- French fry
- French Knot
- French Press
- French Service
- Frequency
- Freshwater
- Friction Loss
- Frog kick
- Frogging
- Front Post
- Front/Back Loops
- Fry
- Fullback
- Fuse
- Gable
- Gallons per Flush (GPF)
- Gallons per minute
- Game
- Game fish
- Gap reel/spool
- Garde-manager
- Garryowen
- Gasket
- Gate
- Gauge
- General Search Warrant
- Generator
- George
- Ghetto Bird
- Ghosted
- Gingerbread
- Glaive
- Glide
- Gloss
- Glow Up
- GOE (Grades of Execution)
- Gondola
- Good-un
- Goosestep -
- Grab
- Grab loops
- Gradient
- Grande complication
- Gravity fed toilets
- Gray Water
- Green
- Green Beans
- Green run
- Grid
- Grip
- Gripper
- Grooming
- Ground
- Ground control
- Ground Water
- Groundspeed
- Groundstroke
- Grubber
- Guard
- Gueridon Service
- Gust
- Gutter
- Hacking Seconds
- Hacks
- Haircutter
- Halberd
- Half-volley
- Halfpipe
- Halo
- Halo Eye
- Hammer
- Hand
- Hand off
- Hand Screw
- Hand-wound
- Hands
- Hang tank
- Hanger
- Hard Pack
- Hardgoods
- Hatch
- Haute Horologie
- Head
- Head Chef
- Head Pool or Head Spring
- Headlap
- Heard
- Heavy
- Heavy Ice
- Helicopter turn
- Helictites
- Heliskiing
- Herringbone
- Hesalite Crystal
- High Octane
- High Stitch
- Highlighter
- Hinder
- Hip
- Hit
- Hits Different
- Hitting Pan
- Hockey puck
- Hog Line
- Hogged Stone
- Hold
- Holding time
- Hollow or grind
- Hook
- Hooker
- Hooklength
- Hop
- Horology
- Hospital pass
- House
- House Mouse
- Huck
- Hull
- Hulling
- Hurry Hard
- Hydraulic Pressure
- Hydroblading
- Hydroelectricity
- Hydrostatic Pressure
- I'm dead
- Ice
- Ice dancing
- Ice resurfacing machine
- Ice rink
- Ice show
- Ichthyology
- Illegally obtained evidence
- Import
- In the weeds
- In the window
- In-goal
- In-Turn
- Ina Bauer
- Incident to arrest
- Increase
- Indices
- Infeed
- Inner Corner
- Inshore
- Insulator
- Interactive Video
- Interception
- Interceptor
- International Judging System
- Interpretation
- L
- L-cut
- Ladder
- Laminate
- Lance
- Landing Net
- Lash Glue
- Latte
- Lavatory
- Layback spin
- Layering
- Leach
- Lead
- Leaded
- Leader
- Let
- Letterboxing
- Level
- Lift
- Lift bag
- Lift Pass
- Light Doubling
- Light Roast
- Lightning Arrestor
- Line
- Line calls
- Line reels
- Line trap
- Line-out
- Lipliner
- Lipping
- Lipstick
- Live-lining
- Living rent-free
- Load
- Lob
- Lock
- Log book
- Long-form video
- Longsword
- Loop Jump
- Loosefeed
- Louvers
- Low-flow
- Low-key/High-key
- Lower third
- Luminescence
- Lure
- Lutz Jump
- Macchiato
- Mace
- Macro lens
- Magic carpet
- Magic Ring
- Magnetism
- Main Character
- Main Course
- Main line
- Mainline
- Mainspring
- MaP Testing
- Marking gauge
- Marry
- Mascara
- Match Cut
- Match Fishing
- Matte
- Maul
- Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
- Medium Roast
- Megawatt
- Meter
- Metered flush
- Micro Lot Coffee
- Midcourt
- Midge
- Military Fork
- Mise en place (abbreviated: mise)
- Misericorde
- Mispick
- Mixed Doubles
- Mocha
- Moguls
- Mohawk
- Moka Pot
- Momentum
- Monoski
- Morning Star
- Mortar
- Motion graphics
- Movement
- Mud
- Multilevel diving
- P.C
- P.O.V. Shot
- Paddle
- Pairs
- Palm Sander
- Pans
- Parapet
- Park rat
- Parrying Dagger
- Partisan
- Party
- Passing Shot
- Pat down
- Patina
- Patio Drying
- Payload
- Pebble
- Peg
- Penetrations
- Percolation
- Performance-based product standards
- Periodt
- Permanent line markers
- Permanent Object
- Petard
- Petrary
- Phase
- Phreatic
- Pickle!
- Pickled
- Pickledome
- Pickler
- Picot
- Pike
- Pin Buckle
- Pinch Shot
- Piscator
- Pitch
- Pittsburgh rare
- Pizza
- Place Maker
- Placement
- Plain View Doctrine
- Plane of the Net
- Planker/two planker
- Plate
- Plumbing Up
- Plunger
- Poach
- Poisonous Tree Doctrine
- Pompoms
- Poniard
- Poor man’s downrigger
- Porcelain enamel
- Portage
- Post Stitches
- Post-Production
- Potable water
- Pow pow
- Powder
- Power
- Power factor
- Pressed
- Pressure balancing valve
- Pressure Head
- Pressure Loss
- Primary light
- Primer
- Profanity
- Program Component Score (PCS)
- Prop
- Proximity valves
- Proxy
- Puck
- Pull and glide
- Pump Machine
- Punch
- Purlin
- Push
- Put Away
- PVD finishes
- Racks
- Radius
- Rafters
- Rail
- Raise
- Rake
- Raking Cut
- Rally
- Rapid
- Rapier
- Rash guard
- Reading the water
- Ready Position
- Receiver
- Rectifier
- Red Eye
- Reel
- Reference
- Relay
- Reluctance
- Rendering
- Replays
- Reserve gas
- Residual gas
- Resistance
- Resistor
- Resolution
- Retirement
- Retrograde
- Revolution
- Ride the lightning
- Ridge
- Right Side
- Rimbach system
- Rink
- Rise
- Riser
- Robusta
- Rock
- Rocker
- Rocket Fuel
- Rod
- Rod Rings
- Roll
- Roll up
- Roller
- Rope lift
- Rotor
- Rotoscoping
- Rough cut
- Rubbing Out a Finish
- Ruck
- Rudder
- Rule of thirds
- Run
- Running Stitch
- Runway
- Rushes
- Sabre
- Sacrificial Fence
- Saddle
- Safe Margins
- Safety reel/spool
- Safety sausage
- Safety stop
- Salchow Jump
- Salty
- Sanitary Fitting
- Satin Stitch
- Saturation
- Say Less
- Scald Guard
- Scamps
- Schedule
- Schussing
- Scripting
- Scrub
- Scrum
- Sculling draw
- Second
- Second Crack
- Second serve
- Secret Gutter
- Sector
- Sediment
- Self Induction
- Semi-conductor
- Sending me
- Sending off
- Sepctic tank
- Sequence
- Series Circuit
- Series-Parallel Circuit
- Server Number
- Service
- Service Court
- Service Out Side Scoring
- Setting the face
- Sewer
- SFX (Sound Effects)
- Shadow skating
- Shadowing
- Sharking
- Sheathing
- Sheesh
- Sheet
- Shelf life
- Shell Stitch
- Shoal
- Shock Protection
- Shoe chef
- Shoeing
- Shoot-the-duck
- Short circuit
- Short dance
- Shortfield
- Shortie
- Shorting
- Shortsword
- Shot
- Shot List
- Shot Rock
- Show cave
- Shutoff Valve
- Side draw
- Side work
- Sideline
- Siege Engine
- Siege Hook
- Siege Tower
- Signature Dish
- Silt
- Silting
- Simp
- Single Dive
- Single Origin
- Singles
- Sinker
- Sinkhole
- Siphon
- Sips tea
- Sis
- Sit spin
- Six-pack
- Sizzle Reel
- Skate
- Skating parent
- Skating skills
- Skeg
- Ski Tips
- Skip
- Skrrt
- Slack tide
- Slammers
- Slant
- Slaps
- Slate
- Slice
- Slide
- Slip
- Slip Stitch
- Slipknot
- Slope
- Slug
- Slush
- Smash
- Smash Cut
- Smoke break
- Smokey
- Smol
- Snack
- Snake
- Snap
- Snatched
- Snow Cannon
- Snow Cat
- Snow Crystal
- Snowplough
- Socket
- Soffit
- Soft plastic lures
- Softgoods
- Souls
- Sound Mix
- Sous chef
- Spare
- Speleothems
- Spetum
- Spike
- Spill the tea
- Spin Rocker
- Spinner
- Spiral
- Split Stance
- Spoolie
- Spray skirt
- Spring Dives
- Squad
- Square
- Square mesh
- Stacked
- Stalactite
- Stalagmite
- Stan
- Stanchion height
- Standing end/line
- Steazy
- Step Sequence
- Stereo
- Stern
- Stiffed
- Still fishing
- Still mooing
- Sting
- Stippling
- Stopping
- Storm Sewer
- Storyboard
- Straight cut toe pick
- Straight Makeup
- Strainer
- Stretch it
- Strike
- Stringout
- Stroking
- Sump
- Sump Dives
- Supply line
- Surface interval (SI)
- Surge
- Survey
- Sus
- Swatching
- Sweep stroke
- Sweeper
- Sweeping
- Switch
- Swivel
- Sync cut
- Synchronized Skating
- T-Bar
- Table d'hôte
- Table turn
- Tachymeter
- Tack Cloth
- Tackle box
- Tag end
- Tagging
- Tail
- Tailpiece
- Take
- Take several seats
- Tamping
- Tandem kayak
- Tar Paper
- Tassels
- Tasting Menu
- Tatting
- Teaser
- Techcnical Foul
- Technical Element Score (TES)
- Technical Warning
- Tee Line
- Telegraph a jump
- Telemeter
- Temporary line markers
- Tension
- Terminal tackle
- Terrain park
- Thermal shock
- Thermocline
- Thermostatic valves
- Thigh braces
- Third
- Third Shot
- Thirty Six
- Three-Strand Braid
- Throw jump
- Thumb the dive
- Tie-off
- Tight Lines
- Tight-head
- Tightline
- Tilts
- Timecode
- Timelapse
- Toe jump
- Toe loop
- Toe pick
- Toenail
- Top
- Top Spin
- Top water lure
- Touch-and-go
- Touch-judge
- Tow rope
- Toynbee maneuver
- Tracked out
- Trail marker
- Transcode
- Transcript
- Transformer
- Transistor
- Transition
- Transition Shade
- Trap Seal
- Trap Weir
- Trapway
- Traverse
- Trebuchet
- Tree
- Tree well
- Trolling
- Truck and trailer
- True Airspeed
- True altitude
- Truing
- Truss
- Try
- Tube bait
- Turn and burn
- Turnover
- Twat gap
- Twist
- Twizzle
- Two Bounce Rule
- W
- Waders
- Wading
- Walk in
- Walked
- Waltz jump
- Waney-edged
- War Hammer
- Warm Roof
- Watch
- Water Hammer
- Water Resistance
- Water sandals
- Watercraft
- Waterline
- Watt
- Wattmeter
- Waxel
- Waxing the table
- Weathered in
- Weaving
- Weedless spoon
- Weight
- Well
- Wet exit
- Wet Process
- Wheelman
- White out
- Whitewater
- Wide Angle Shot
- Wiffle Ball
- Wig
- Wing
- Wing-walker
- Winged liner
- Wipe
- Wipe out
- Woke
- Wood Movement
- Working
- Woven Seam
- Wrapping
- Wrong Side
- Wrought Iron
- Wx